QA Testing Training-with 100% Reference,Job Placement-Nov 23th

Software testing course (QA) - from a Software company. Saturday/Sunday batch-Start-November 23th at 10:00 am 39 hours, 10 sessions, each session – 4 hours, Manual, Automated Testing. Front end and back end testing. ALL IN ONE COURSE! HP AND SELENIUM TOOLS! SELENIUM WEB DRIVER !!! SQL Deep QA knowledge! Placement - within 1 month after the completion of the course!!! Best Software QA testing course CALL NOW AT (647) 875-7730 to reserve your spot! www.SQA.MBA Location: 800m from Finch West Subway Station 1177 Finch Ave W, Unit #23, North York, ON M3J 2E9,(2nd floor). Free parking is available.
Category: Employment & Education


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