What does “Approved by Owner” mean on some of the listings?

“Approved by Owner” simply means that the owner of a specific business has confirmed with us that the information listed is correct. In our mission to provide the most accessibility to people living in GTA, we gather businesses from all over the web and give the owners an opportunity to make their own listings as well. When you see “Approved by Owner” sign, it simply means the owner had confirmed information such as the address and the phone number.

I am a business owner. How can I receive the “Approved by Owner” sign?

In order to receiver the “Approved by Owner” sign you need to list your business with us and provide your cell phone number. Once you registered, you will receive a confirmation code via text message and when you input the code on the site, you should be approved.

I don’t have a cell phone. How else can I confirm my listing?

If you don’ have a cell phone, you would need to provide your landline phone number. The phone will call and an automated message will let you know your code.

I wanted to list my business but saw that it is already there. How come?

Since we try to provide the people of GTA with as much accessibility and convenience as possible, we gather listings from many different public platforms. You can verify it by clicking “This is My Business” button and filling out the necessary information. You will receive the “Approved by Owner” sign next to your listing. If you wish to delete the listing from our site, just e-mail us and we will take care of it for you.

What does the “Status” bar mean?

The “Status” bar is simply a way for businesses to let the client know any information they deem important and of notice. The status can note a promotion the company is having, when they are closed on holidays and much more.

What are the different ways that I can search for businesses on Your GTA?

Once you are on the home page, you will be presented with a search bar. In the search bar you can either type the name of a specific business or a category such as “Chinese Restaurants”. After you click on the magnifying glass beside the search bar, all the available results will be shown to you.

I found the service I am looking for. Is there a way to get directions?

Absolutely! Once you found what you are looking for, click on the “Directions” button next to the address and you will be re-directed to Google Maps. From there you can you can enter your location and see how to get there.

What kinds of businesses are listed on All GTA?

We provide listings in many different industries such as shopping, restaurants, landscaping, auto, technology and much more.